Crotwell Family History

Ancestors of Ruby Selma Crotwell


Crotwell - Neal Family History:  Ancestors of Ruby Selma Crotwell

by Dee Swink


Crotwell - Neal Family History Cover
Back Cover

Published 2021
ISBN: 978-1-716-07912-2
Paperback - Full color - 219 pages

The Crotwell - Neal Family History is the story of the ancestors of Ruby Selma Crotwell (1901-1979) and includes the Crotwell, Neal, Cannon, Gray, Gauntt, Griffin, Summers, and Waters families. These families were primarily of German, English and Scots-Irish origins, who came to American colonies prior to the Revolutionary War. They landed in Pennsylvania, Plymouth Colony, South Carolina and Virginia. The families included the earliest Quakers in the colonies, as well as Anglicans, Lutherans, and Presbyterians. Eventually members of all these families would settle in South Carolina.

This book contains not only the basic facts included on this website, but also my impressions of these ancestors gathered from letters, newspapers, documents, books and family members.

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