Allison, Cone - Center, Mary Lantha - Marriage License - 1874

Allison, Guy C. & Junkins, Mattie - Marriage Date - Guy C. Allison Bible - 1905

Allison, J Q - Furniture Store Ad - Palmetto Post

Allison, J Q - Furniture store sells coffins

Redwine, Jacob - Excerpt of NC Land Entry Grant - 1778

Redwine, Jacob - Revolutionary War Records - 1780-1783

Allison, Samuel - NC Rev War Pay Voucher

Swan, Henry & Davis, Rebecca - Marriage Registration

Swann, Matilda - Parker - Birth Record from Lewis Parker Bible - 1804

Parker, Lewis - Birth Record from Lewis Parker Bible - 1804

Allison, Samuel - Will - dtd 1816

Allison, John & Patterson, Martha - Marriage Bond - 1824

Parker, Lewis & Swann, Matilda - Marriage Registration - 1827

Parker, Arminda - Birth Record from Lewis Parker Bible

Swann, Henry T. - Signature

Swann, Henry T. - Letter dtd Mar 1839 - Detailing farm burning

Redwine, Jacob - Will

Center William - Lee Mary - Marriage License -1844

1847 Georgia Property Tax, Franklin County

1847 Georgia Property Tax, Franklin County

Allison, Rebecca Ann - Signature from letter to Arminda Parker -1851

Allison, J. Q. & Parker, Arminda - Marriage License

Letter from J. Q. Allison to Arminda's family - 1855

McKnight Martha (1) Patterson - Receipt for Tombstone

Allison JQ Letter dtd Jun 1857

Swann, Henry T - Deed for Estate - 1858

Swann, Matilda - Parker - Death Record from Lewis Parker Bible - 1864

Center, William - Military CSA - 1864

Center, John W - Military CSA - 1864

Allison JQ - Military CSA Jun 1864

Allison, J. Q. Letter to wife sister (Jane Parker) dtd Feb 1865, describing the evacuation of Savannah prior to arrival of Sherman

Parker, Arminda - Allison - Letter to her family about hard times after the war - Nov 1865

Parker, Lewis - Will - 1865

Parker, Lewis - Death Record from Lewis Parker Bible - 1866

Center, William - Reconstruction Oath - 1868

Allison, J Q - Reconstruction Oath - 1868

Center, Albin M - Alderman, Athens, Georgia

Center, William - Deed for Estate - dtd 1900 - recd 1906

Allison, JQ - Death Certificate - 1906

Allison, Harold - Bobo, Katie Lee - Marriage License - 1916

Allison, Guy C - News Article - Struck by Lightning - abt 1922

Allison, Cone - Death Certificate - 1929

Allison, Jackie - Birth Announcement - 1940

Allison, Nel - Social Security Application - 1941

Allison, Fred L - Death Certificate - 1942

Allison, Nel - High School Yearbook, Senior - 1942

Allison, Nel & Swink, RB Jr - Marriage Announcement - 1945

Allison, Nel & Swink, RB Jr - Marriage License - 1945

Allison, Debbie - Birth Announcement - 1951

Allison Garage - 1951

Junkins, Mattie - Allison - Notes on Allison - 1962

Center, Mary Lantha - Allison - Death Certificate - 1923

Allison, Nel - Ration Book - 1942