Allison Family History

Ancestors of Guy C. Allison


Allison Family History

Ancestors of Guy Carlton Allison



Guy Allison circa 1903

My maternal grandfather was Guy Carlton Allison and this is his family's history. 

Pedigree Chart of Guy Carlton Allison

The ancestors of Guy C. Allison include the following families:  (Click on the surname to view the descendant chart and brief family history.)

     • Center 
     • Parker
     • Patterson
     • Redwine
     • Swann

These families were primarily Scots-Irish and English, along with some German, who settled in the English colonies prior to the Revolutionary War.  My research has found that our ancestors were good, hardworking, religious people.  I am surprised at how often they moved and impressed by how resilient they were.  

Many people have helped me through the years of research on this project.  Especial thanks to the following cousins: Tillie Woodall for sharing her vast resources of the Parker and Swann families, David Payne for sharing the knowledge of the Allison family, and Guy C. Allison for sharing his DNA and memories of the Allison family.




Pedigree Chart for Guy C. Allison

Notes for using this site:

The Menu Bar at the top of each page helps to navigate the Allison Family site. 

  • You can search for a name using the "Search" option or the "Surname Index".  
  • The "Charts" option provides a list of Descendant Charts for the Allison and associated families.  By clicking on a name in the chart, you can go directly to the person page for that individual. 
  • The "Sources" option provides a list of all sources used to document the facts.  The detailed source information is listed on the page with the fact.  
  • The "Images" option provides the pictures and documents used on these pages. 
  • The "Book" option provides information about a book on this family that I have published.   

Thumbnail pictures have an arrow and dark square above the image, like the one of Guy Allison above.  Click the arrow to go to the person page associated with that image or click the dark square to view enlarged image.

The person page for each person contains the facts and associated sources.  A camera icon denotes a picture associated with that person or an event in that person's life.  Clicking that icon will display the photo or document.  

At the top of the person page is a "Family Explorer" icon which will display a pedigree chart for that person.