Robert Neal
M, #177, (22 Apr 1794 - 3 Dec 1842)

Neel, Robert - Tombstone - 1842
Birth | 22 Apr 1794 | Robert Neal was born on 22 Apr 1794.1,2,3 |
Marriage | bef Dec 1835 | He and Sophia Gauntt, II, were married bef Dec 1835.4,5,6 |
Death | 3 Dec 1842 | He died on 3 Dec 1842 at age 48 in Newberry County, South Carolina.1,2,3,6 |
Burial | 1842 | He was buried in 1842 at Old Cannon Creek Cemetery in Newberry, South Carolina.3 |
Note | | The last name of Robert Neal was spelled in various ways in documents including Neel and Neil. |
Person Source | | Robert Neal had person sources.1,6,5 |
Census | 1830 | He appeared in the census in 1830 in Newberry, South Carolina.7 |
Census | 1840 | He appeared in the census in 1840 in Newberry District, South Carolina.8 |
Probate | bet 1842 and 1858 | He had his estate probated bet 1842 and 1858 in Newberry District, South Carolina. Robert Neal died intestate. The estate records name widow Sophia & children: Jane Neel, Jacob Spencer Neel, John C. Neel, Harriet Neel, James B. Neel. The estate was estimated at $5000 in petition for Letter of Administration. When settled, the widow got $1,388 and the children each received $555. John C. Neel and Jacob Spencer Neel, who were young children when their father died, received their inheritance plus interest ($1,661) after they came of age in 1858.9  |
- [S61] Mary Lee Barnes, Frances Gantt Dwiggins, Butch Younginer, Israel Gauntt Family History, Source Medium: Internet
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, p. 549
- [S104] Tombstone
- [S162] Estate Records of Jacob Gauntt, Newberry County SC Probate Records, Box 43, Est 5, 1835
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S71] Crotwell Family Bible, Samuel P Crotwell & Nellie Neal, Source Medium: Book
- [S6] 1830 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, SeriesĀ M19, RollĀ 171, p 104 (Robert Neel)
- [S8] 1840 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M704, Roll 514, p 257
- [S160] Estate Records of Robert Neal, Newberry County SC, Courthouse, Box 71, Est 23
Sophia Gauntt, II
F, #178, (6 Jan 1803 - 20 Jun 1880)
Birth | 6 Jan 1803 | Sophia Gauntt, II, was born on 6 Jan 1803 in Newberry County, South Carolina.1,2 |
Marriage | bef Dec 1835 | Robert Neal and she were married bef Dec 1835.3,4,5 |
Death | 20 Jun 1880 | She died on 20 Jun 1880 at age 77 in Newberry County, South Carolina. Crotwell Family Bible has date of death as 20 Jun 1886.1,2 |
Person Source | | Sophia Gauntt, II, had person sources.2,6,3 |
Census | 1850 | She appeared in the census in 1850 in Newberry County, South Carolina. 1850 census find Sophia Gauntt Neal (age 47) after the death of her husband Robert living on the property worth $1,400, with her 4 youngest children, all under age of 17. The property is adjacent to the homestead of Philip H. Crotwell.7,8 |
Census | 1860 | She appeared in the census in 1860 in Newberry County, South Carolina.9 |
Occupation | 1860 | In 1860 Sophia Gauntt, II, was a Farmer with real estate valued at $3,000 and Personal Estate of $10,800.9 |
Census | 1869 | She appeared in the census in 1869 in Newberry County, South Carolina.10 |
Census | 1870 | She appeared in the census in 1870 at Cannon Township #10 in Newberry County, South Carolina. Sophia Gauntt Neal has real estate valued at $1,200 and personal property valued at $600. She is listed as keeping house. Her son Belton is living with her and has real estate valued at $1,000 and personal property valued at $150. He is a farmer.11 |
Misc | 1870 | She on Agricultural Schedule owns farm including among other things 5 milk cows, 1 other cow, 3 swine and growing cotton and Irish & sweet potatoes, making honey, bees wax and butter in 1870 in Newberry County, South Carolina.12,13 |
Census | 1880 | She appeared in the census in 1880 at household of James B. Neel in Newberry County, South Carolina.14 |
- [S61] Mary Lee Barnes, Frances Gantt Dwiggins, Butch Younginer, Israel Gauntt Family History, Source Medium: Internet
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, p. 549
- [S162] Estate Records of Jacob Gauntt, Newberry County SC Probate Records, Box 43, Est 5, 1835
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S71] Crotwell Family Bible, Samuel P Crotwell & Nellie Neal, Source Medium: Book
- [S160] Estate Records of Robert Neal, Newberry County SC, Courthouse, Box 71, Est 23
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, pp. 549-550
- [S9] 1850 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M432, Roll 856, p 257
- [S11] 1860 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, M653, Roll 1224, p. 249
- [S47] Dutch Fork Chapter, Dutch Fork Digest, Source Medium: Book, Vol XVI, No. 3, p. 104
- [S13] 1870 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M593, Roll 1504, p 495A
- [S169] Betty Mooney Bundrick, Newberry County SC 1870 Census, p 567
- [S13] 1870 Census, 1870 Agricultural Schedule, Collection # AD266, Roll 6, p 5, line 29
- [S16] 1880 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series T9, Roll 1236, p 246
Jane Neal
F, #179
Marriage | | Frederick Boozer, II, and Jane Neal were married.1 |
Person Source | | Jane Neal had person sources.1,2 |
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S160] Estate Records of Robert Neal, Newberry County SC, Courthouse, Box 71, Est 23
Harriet Neal
F, #180, (abt 1838 - 8 Sep 1853)
Birth | abt 1838 | Harriet Neal was born abt 1838 in South Carolina.1,2 |
Death | 8 Sep 1853 | She died on 8 Sep 1853.2 |
Person Source | | Harriet Neal had person sources.1,3,4 |
Census | 1850 | She appeared in the census in 1850 in Newberry County, South Carolina.5,6 |
- [S61] Mary Lee Barnes, Frances Gantt Dwiggins, Butch Younginer, Israel Gauntt Family History, Source Medium: Internet
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, p. 550
- [S160] Estate Records of Robert Neal, Newberry County SC, Courthouse, Box 71, Est 23
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data
- [S9] 1850 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M432, Roll 856, p 257
James Belton Neal
M, #182, (abt 1840 - aft 1880)
Birth | abt 1840 | James Belton Neal was born abt 1840 in South Carolina.1,2 |
Death | aft 1880 | He died aft 1880.3 |
Person Source | | James Belton Neal had person sources.4,1,5,6 |
Census | 1850 | He appeared in the census in 1850 in Newberry County, South Carolina.7,8 |
Census | 1860 | He appeared in the census in 1860 at living in home of his mother in Newberry County, South Carolina.9 |
Census | 1869 | He appeared in the census in 1869 in Newberry County, South Carolina.10 |
Census | 1870 | He appeared in the census in 1870 at as farmer in household of Sophia Neel in Newberry County, South Carolina.11 |
Census | 1880 | He appeared in the census in 1880 in Newberry County, South Carolina.3 |
- [S61] Mary Lee Barnes, Frances Gantt Dwiggins, Butch Younginer, Israel Gauntt Family History, Source Medium: Internet
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, p 549
- [S16] 1880 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series T9, Roll 1236, p 246
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S13] 1870 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm
- [S160] Estate Records of Robert Neal, Newberry County SC, Courthouse, Box 71, Est 23
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data
- [S9] 1850 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M432, Roll 856, p 257
- [S11] 1860 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, M653, Roll 1224, p. 249
- [S47] Dutch Fork Chapter, Dutch Fork Digest, Source Medium: Book, Vol XVI, No. 3, p. 104
- [S13] 1870 Census, Series M593, Roll 1504, p 495A
Elizabeth Moore
F, #184, ( - 24 Nov 1824)
Death | 24 Nov 1824 | Elizabeth Moore died on 24 Nov 1824.1,2 |
Note | | See note for her husband denoted here as "Unknown Neal" for information about confusion on who he is. |
Person Source | | Elizabeth Moore had person sources.2 |
- [S68] E. M. Lane, Neal Family History, 1972, Source Medium: Manuscript
- [S71] Crotwell Family Bible, Samuel P Crotwell & Nellie Neal, Source Medium: Book
David A. Cannon
M, #198, (24 Dec 1818 - 26 Jul 1883)
Birth | 24 Dec 1818 | David A. Cannon was born on 24 Dec 1818 in Hellers Township, Newberry, South Carolina.1 |
Death | 26 Jul 1883 | He died on 26 Jul 1883 at age 64 in Hellers Township, Newberry, South Carolina.1 |
- [S45] Descendants of Joseph Gallmann, Source Medium: Internet
Lavinia (Vinah) Elizabeth Gallman
F, #199, (13 Feb 1820 - 27 May 1894)

Gallman, Lavinia E - Cannon - Tombstone - 1894
Birth | 13 Feb 1820 | Lavinia (Vinah) Elizabeth Gallman was born on 13 Feb 1820 in Hellers Township, Newberry, South Carolina.1,2,3 |
Marriage | | Samuel William Cannon and she were married. Some sources incorrectly list Lavinia E. Gallman as the second wife of Samuel William Cannon. These sources list a first wife Victoria Gallman who they say is mother of Sarah Victoria Cannon. They may be confusing the fact that on Sara Victoria's tombstone it says she is daughter of S. W. and V. Cannon. But Lavinia was known as Vinah or Viney all her life, even in church and court records. There is no Victoria Gallman found in the records.4,5,3 |
Death | 27 May 1894 | She died on 27 May 1894 at age 74 in Hellers Township, Newberry, South Carolina.6,5,3 |
Burial | 1894 | She was buried in 1894 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Cemetery in Pomaria, South Carolina.7,3 |
Note | | |
Person Source | | Lavinia (Vinah) Elizabeth Gallman had person sources.8,2,9,10,4 |
Census | 1850 | She appeared in the census in 1850 in Newberry County, South Carolina.11,12 |
Census | 1860 | She appeared in the census in 1860 in Newberry County, South Carolina.13 |
Census | 1870 | She appeared in the census in 1870 in Newberry County, South Carolina.14 |
Census | 1880 | She appeared in the census in 1880 in Newberry, South Carolina.15 |
Probate | 1894 | She had her estate probated in 1894 in Newberry County, South Carolina. For more information on the land, see the note for the probate of the estate of Samuel W. Cannon's estate.16 |
- [S100] South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Source Medium: Magazine, Vol V, 20
- [S50] Early Records of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Newberry County, South Carolina, Source Medium: Original Church Records
- [S104] Tombstone
- [S130] Will of Susannah Gray Gallman, dtd 17 Mar 1851, prd 8 Jul 1852, Newberry District, SC, Box 90, pkg 234, estate #2251, Source Medium: Microfilm
- [S166] Newberry Herald & News, Source Medium: Newspaper, 30 May 1894, Obiturary of Lavenia E. Gallman
- [S89] Probate Papers for Lavinia Gallman Cannon, Newberry County Courthouse, SC, Box 165, Estate 5, Source Medium: Official Document
- [S73] George Leland Summer, Newberry County, South Carolina: Historical & Genealogical Annals, p. 431
- [S100] South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol V, p. 20
- [S172] Edith Greisser, Newberry SC Equity Records 1845-1865, p 94, Bill 47, No. 11, filed 3/20/1854
- [S117] Sandra J. Lee, Will Book L, Newberry County, South Carolina, Source Medium: Book, p. 3
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, p. 141
- [S9] 1850 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M432, Roll 856, p 202A
- [S11] 1860 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M653, Roll 1224, p. 272
- [S13] 1870 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M593, Roll 1504, p 476B
- [S16] 1880 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series T9, Roll 1235, p. 54
- [S89] Probate Papers for Lavinia Gallman Cannon, Newberry County Courthouse, SC, Box 165, Estate 5, Land assigned to her per her dower rights as widow of Samuel W. Cannon were sold to pay debts owed from her husband's estate
Samuel William Cannon
M, #200, (24 Dec 1818 - 26 Jul 1883)

Cannon, Samuel W - Tombstone - 1883
Birth | 24 Dec 1818 | Samuel William Cannon was born on 24 Dec 1818 in Newberry County, South Carolina.1,2,3 |
Marriage | | He and Lavinia (Vinah) Elizabeth Gallman were married. Some sources incorrectly list Lavinia E. Gallman as the second wife of Samuel William Cannon. These sources list a first wife Victoria Gallman who they say is mother of Sarah Victoria Cannon. They may be confusing the fact that on Sara Victoria's tombstone it says she is daughter of S. W. and V. Cannon. But Lavinia was known as Vinah or Viney all her life, even in church and court records. There is no Victoria Gallman found in the records.4,5,2 |
Death | 26 Jul 1883 | He died on 26 Jul 1883 at age 64 in Newberry County, South Carolina.6,7,2,8 |
Burial | 1883 | He was buried in 1883 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Cemetery in Pomaria, South Carolina.2,9 |
Person Source | | Samuel William Cannon had person sources.10,11,3,12,13 |
Baptism | 22 Jul 1821 | He was baptized on 22 Jul 1821 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Pomaria, South Carolina.3 |
Census | 1840 | He appeared in the census in 1840 in Newberry County, South Carolina.14 |
Census | 1850 | He appeared in the census in 1850 in Newberry County, South Carolina.15,16 |
Occupation | bet 1850 and 1880 | Bet 1850 and 1880 Samuel William Cannon was a farmer / planter.16,17,18,19 |
Census | 1860 | He appeared in the census in 1860 in Newberry County, South Carolina.17 |
Census | 1869 | He appeared in the census in 1869 in Newberry County, South Carolina.20 |
Census | 1870 | He appeared in the census in 1870 in Newberry, South Carolina.18 |
Misc | 1874 | He was selected as representative of Cannon Township for the Tax Payers Convention in 1874.21 |
Misc | 1877 | He was Secretary of Grange No. 112, Cannon Creek in 1877.22 |
Census | 1880 | He appeared in the census in 1880 in Newberry, South Carolina.19 |
Property | 2 Jan 1882 | He owned 310 acres which he mortgaged to James A. Crotwell on 2 Jan 1882 in Newberry County, South Carolina. About 1882 Samuel W. Cannon became paralyzed, which could have been a stroke, and never recovered.23 |
Probate | bet 1883 and 1884 | He had his estate probated bet 1883 and 1884 in Newberry County, South Carolina. Samuel W. Cannon died intestate. His sons Alonzo B. Cannon & Benjamin F. Cannon petitioned to be administrators of his estate, 29 Aug 1883. The petition stated he had a personal estate was worth $600. Land was not mentioned. The estate sale was dtd 20 Dec 1883. Samuel W. Cannon had borrowed $2,006.80 from his son-in-law, James A. Crotwell, with mortgage on 310 acres of his land on 2 Jan 1882. The estate sale did not raise enough money to pay his debts. On 1 Nov 1884 court ordered sheriff to sell the land. The widow Lavinia Gallman Cannon petitioned the Court for her Right of Dower to the land. A committee was assigned to divide land. On 7 Nov 1884 land was divided into 3 tracts with 120 acres set aside for widow's dower. On Dec 1884 James A. Crotwell purchased the land at auction for $1,265. James A. Crotwell died 4 Apr 1893 and his will assigned the debt owed by the Samuel W. Cannon mortgage to Samuel P. Crotwell. Lavinia Gallman Cannon died 27 May 1894. Samuel P. Crotwell sued the estate for money still owed. Court ordered land sold . Sale was set for Dec 1894.8,23,24 |
- [S100] South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Source Medium: Magazine, Vol V, p. 23
- [S104] Tombstone
- [S50] Early Records of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Newberry County, South Carolina, Source Medium: Original Church Records
- [S130] Will of Susannah Gray Gallman, dtd 17 Mar 1851, prd 8 Jul 1852, Newberry District, SC, Box 90, pkg 234, estate #2251, Source Medium: Microfilm
- [S166] Newberry Herald & News, Source Medium: Newspaper, 30 May 1894, Obiturary of Lavenia E. Gallman
- [S75] Edith Greisser, Newberry Happenings - Newspaper Abstracts, Source Medium: Book, p. 209
- [S76] Newberry Herald, Newspaper, Source Medium: Microfilm, p. 3
- [S214] Probate Papers of Samuel William Cannon, Newberry County Courthouse, SC, 1883, Box143, Estate 4, Source Medium: Official Document
- [S73] George Leland Summer, Newberry County, South Carolina: Historical & Genealogical Annals, p. 431
- [S128] Will of Samuel Cannon, dtd 16 Dec 1848, prvd 7 Nov 1849, rcd 23 Apr 1850, Newberry District, SC, Will Bk #1, p 425, Source Medium: Microfilm
- [S100] South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. V, p. 23
- [S28] N. Louise Bailey, Mary L. Morgan, Carolyn R. Taylor, Biographical Directory of the South Carolina Senate 1776-1985, Source Medium: Book, Vol I, p. 268
- [S172] Edith Greisser, Newberry SC Equity Records 1845-1865, p 94, Bill 47, No. 11, filed 3/20/1854
- [S8] 1840 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M704, Roll 514, p 227
- [S10] Eleanor Clyburn Wicker, 1850 Census Newberry SC with Genealogical Data, Source Medium: Book, P. 141
- [S9] 1850 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M432, Roll 856, p 202A
- [S11] 1860 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M653, Roll 1224, p. 272
- [S13] 1870 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series M593, Roll 1504, p 476B
- [S16] 1880 Census, Source Medium: Microfilm, Series T9, Roll 1235, p. 54
- [S47] Dutch Fork Chapter, Dutch Fork Digest, Source Medium: Book, Vol. XIV, No. 4, p. 142
- [S49] Edith Greisser, Early Newberry: Abstracts from Herald and NewberryHerald, Source Medium: Book, p 43
- [S76] Newberry Herald, Newspaper, dtd 12 Sep 1877
- [S215] Newberry County, South Carolina Records, Register of Conveyances, Mortgage Book C, p 367
- [S89] Probate Papers for Lavinia Gallman Cannon, Newberry County Courthouse, SC, Box 165, Estate 5, Source Medium: Official Document