Matthews, Budd Cade

Chapman - Summers Cemetery, Newberry County, SC

Griffin, John K

Griffin, Bluford F

Crotwell Hotel

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Cemetery

Crotwell Family Bible - Genealogy of Samuel P Crotwell & Nellie Neal

DeWalt Gray Cemetery, Newberry County, SC

Crotwell Family Bible (Samuel P Crotwell & Nellie Neal) - Record of Births / Deaths

Gauntt Peter - Sandwich, Plymouth Colony - 1637

Gaunt, Lydia - Burgess - Marriage and Child Record - 1668

Gaunt, Lydia - Will - 1691

Gauntt, Zebulon - Shrouds, Sophia - Quaker Records of Marriage - 1715

Gray, Frederick - Marker - aft 1750

Gauntt, Israel - Quaker Certificate - Move from New Jersey to North Carolina - 1753

Gauntt, Israel & Zebulon Jr - Land in NC - 1753

Cannon, John - Will - 1762

Griffin, James - Land Grant Plat - 1768

Egmont, Eva Margareta - Gray - Tombstone - aft 1768

Waters, Philemon - Plat Survey - 1772

Waters, Philemon - Signature - 1784

Waters, Philemon - Petition for Reward for Capt who Captured Tory Outlaws

Waters, Philemon - SC State Convention Vote to Ratify US Constitution - 1788

Waters, Philemon - Member of Convention Creating New State Constitution - 1790

Gray, George Sr - Tombstone - 1796

Gauntt, Israel - Will prvd 1800

Cannon, Ephraim - Excerpt of Will - 1802

Cannon, Ephraim - Probate - Settlement of Estate - 1805

Gauntt House - Gauntt Jacob M - abt 1808

Spencer, Hannah - Gauntt - Will Transcript - 1813

Gallman, Susannah Catharine - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Birth Record - 1814

Cannon, Samuel - Major - War of 1812 Payroll - 1814

Cannon, Samuel - War of 1812 - 1814

Gallman, Lavinia "Vinah" Elizabeth - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Birth Record - 1820

Cannon, Samuel & Sarah -Baptism Record of Children - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Records - 1821

Gray, George Jr - Tombstone - 1826

Griffin, William C Sr - Probate - Letter of Administration - 1826

Riser, Sarah - Cannon - Tombstone - 1827

Summers, John - Will Excerpt - 1832

Crotwell, George - Will Excerpt, Heirs - 1834

Gauntt, Jacob - Probate - Widow Claims Feather in Bed - 1835

Summers, John - Tombstone - 1836

Gauntt, Jacob - Probate Settlement - 1837

Crotwell, Prissie - Tombstone - 1839

Waters, Rosannah - Summers - Tombstone - 1840

Neel, Robert - Tombstone - 1842

Neal, Robert - Estate - Dec 1842

Neal, Robert - Estate Settlement - 1844

Griffin, Larkin Drayton - Obiturary - 1847

Crotwell, Sarah - Griffin - Tombstone - 1847

Griffin, John William Calhoun - Tombstone - abt 1848

Griffin, Larkin D - Request for Admin by P H Crotwell - 1848

Dewalt, Catherine - Gray - Tombstone - 1848

Griffin, Larkin D - Probate - Letter of Administration - 1848

Cannon, Samuel - Will Excerpt Naming Heirs - 1849

Cannon, Samuel - Tombstone - 1849

Cannon, Samuel - Estate Settlement - 1851

Gray, Susannah - Gallman - Tombstone - 1852

Neal, John Calvin - Inheritance from Father - 1858

Neal, Jacob Spencer - Inheritance from Father - 1858